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Security and comfort for car users
Connected car security against cyberattacks

With the spread of connected cars, the risk of cyberattacks are on the rise. Cyber security is becoming a pressing concern, and to counter this threat we see the standardization of regulations, such as with WP29. Hitachi Astemo delivers reliable services through partner collaboration and the comprehensive capabilities that encompass automotive, IT and security.

Providing WP29-compliant security services as a one-stop solution

In recent years, there have been cases where manufacturers have been forced to recall cars due to cyberattacks such as remote operation of driving functions from outside, due to the fact that cars are connected to various systems. In light of this situation, international standards on cybersecurity have been established and responses are required, primarily in Japan and Europe. In Japan, compliance with laws and regulations will be compulsory for vehicles starting production in 2022, and it is said that security standards will be mandatory by around 2025. Vehicle security measures will be applied both during manufacturing and operation. For automobile manufacturers, compliance will be required at both organizational and vehicle lifecycle levels.

Security Solutions for Connected Cars

SIEM:Security Information and Event Management
IVI:In-vehicle Infotainment
OBD:On-board Diagnostics
ECU:Electrical Control Unit

Monitoring logs are distributed to each ECU based on vehicle-wide threat analysis. Gateway performs integrated chronological analysis of logs to accurately detect signs of attack at an early stage. False and over-detections are also reduced, reducing the operational load on the SOC side and achieving cost optimization.

Cybersecurity monitoring systems to match vehicle and cloud systems

Hitachi Astemo leverages its automobile, IT and security experience to address issues unique to automobiles and security. Its connected car security monitors logs of vehicles, data centers and mobile devices in real time, quickly detecting attacks to minimize damage. We provide the systems necessary for connected car security (from in-car systems to cloud-side systems) together with operators and analysts trained and certified by Hitachi Astemo, while performing monitoring and analysis operations. Flexibly working with vehicle manufacturers and their different systems, we quickly and reliably support connected car security, from incident detection to reporting to certification organizations.

Reducing operational load and costs through proprietary in-car IDS with a low rate of false detection

On the vehicle side, we design and distribute monitoring logs while providing software that efficiently collects logs from vehicles to monitoring systems. Integrated analysis of logs collected in the gateway are used to infer attack scenarios and detect signs of attack in the initial stages, when hackers break in from outside the vehicle. Hitachi Astemo's proprietary in-car IDS (Intrusion Detection System) has fewer false and excess detections, reducing the operational load on the SOC side for both the system and its operators—enabling costs to be kept at a minimum.