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Enacted on July 1, 2009
Revised on April 1, 2022
Kohei Takeuchi
President & CEO
Hitachi Astemo, Ltd.

1. Background of Personal Information Protection Policy of Hitachi, Ltd.

Hitachi Astemo, Ltd. (henceforth, "Hitachi Astemo" or “our Company”) provides total solutions and handles various information as a global supplier, including its technical information and information provided by customers. Hence, Hitachi Astemo has strived to establish and fully enforce an information management system to respect the value of said information.

With this background, Hitachi Astemo endeavors to create rules and establish a management system to protect personal information protection in Hitachi Astemo, as well as to set a privacy policy and spread it among board members and employees. Moreover, Hitachi Astemo will take measures to make its privacy policy easily accessible to the general public.

Hitachi Astemo will strive to protect personal information appropriately based on this policy.

2. Hitachi Astemo Personal Information Protection Policy

  1. Establish rules for managing personal information protection and make continual improvements
    Hitachi will make sure that executive staff and workers recognize the importance of personal information protection, establish rules for personal information management to appropriately use and protect personal information, and ensure that the implementation of the management system. These rules will be maintained and improved upon continually.
  2. Collect, use and provide personal information and forbid the use of such information for purposes other than the original intent
    While carefully considering the personal information entrusted to us in our Company activities, Hitachi Astemo will handle such information appropriately by establishing a management system for personal information protection for each type of business, and also by following our rules for collecting, using or providing personal information. In addition, Hitachi will not use such information for purposes other than the original intent and will implement appropriate measures for them.
  3. Implement safety measures and correct problems
    To ensure the correctness and safety of personal information, in accordance with the rules for information security, Hitachi Astemo will implement various measures—such as managing access to personal information, restricting the means for transporting personal information outside the company while preventing incorrect access from outside the company, and strive to prevent the leakage, loss or destruction of personal information. In addition, when any problems regarding safety measures are found, Hitachi Astemo will identify the cause to take corrective measures.
  4. Follow laws and norms
    Hitachi Astemo will follow the Japanese laws, guidelines and other norms for the handling of personal information. Also, Hitachi Astemo will conform to its rules with personal information management regarding such laws, guidelines and other norms.
  5. Respect a person's rights regarding his or her personal information
    When a person makes a request to disclose, correct or delete his or her own personal information, seeks to prevent the use or provision of such information, or gives any complaints or requires consultation, Hitachi Astemo will respond with sincerity, respecting the person's rights related to that personal information.

4. Definition of Personal Information and Activity of its Protection

Hitachi Astemo shall define that personal information means information about individuals, including the name, birth date and other descriptions about them; or a number, symbol, code, image or sound assigned to them that identifies the individuals (it shall also include the information that cannot identify individuals by itself, but can, as it easily can be verified with some other information.); and/or the information that contains an individual identification code(s). In addition, it shall not be limited to personal identifiers, but shall include any information that indicates a fact, recognition and assessment about the attribute of individuals, including a physical characteristic, property, occupation or status.

Hitachi Astemo protects and manages the personal information by establishing a manager on a department basis with the greatest care and the best effort based on the "Hitachi Astemo Privacy Policy.”
And, from the viewpoint of the protection of the rights and interests of the Concerned Persons, Hitachi Astemo shall make efforts to consider the following points.

  1. Responding to requests from Concerned Persons about their retained personal data by voluntarily stopping its use, etc., such as stopping the sending of direct mail to the Concerned Person
  2. Whether information is entrusted to others or not, promoting the clarification of outside processing, such as clarifying the details of work done outside the business by outsourcers
  3. Clarifying the purpose of use more to the Concerned Persons through activities such as the business voluntarily limiting the purpose of use based on the selections of the Concerned Persons, or the business limiting and showing the purpose of use by type with consideration to the details of the work
  4. Specifying as concretely as possible where the personal information was acquired from and the method of acquisition (the type of acquisition source, etc.) for disclosure and other requests

5.Handling Policy of Personal Information - Collection/Usage Purpose and Provision to Third Party

  1. In relation to Hitachi Astemo's business activities, Hitachi Astemo will collect and use personal information only to achieve the following:
    1. Execution of a contract concluded between Hitachi Astemo and a customer
    2. Contacts for business negotiations and meetings with a customer
    3. Delivery of after-sales service on products, and sending information regarding events and new products
    4. Execution of business, including system development, operation and maintenance, which are entrusted by customers
    5. Delivery of various membership services
    6. Business matters pertaining to stocks
    7. Response to various customer inquiries
    8. Analysis based on questionnaires to improve products and services
    9. Provision of personal information to the group company in instances of co-operation with the group company
    10. Security and safety management by using security cameras and/or any other equivalent devices

    When Hitachi Astemo requires a person to provide the personal information as is written in a document directly from the person, Hitachi Astemo will clearly state the purpose of the use beforehand to obtain consent.

  2. Hitachi Astemo will not provide the personal information to a third party without first obtaining consent of the person, except in the following cases:
    1. Cases in which the provision of personal information is based on laws
    2. Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
    3. Cases in which the provision of personal information is especially necessary for improving public hygiene or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
    4. Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for cooperating with a state institution, a local public body, or an individual or entity entrusted by one in executing the operations prescribed by laws and in which obtaining the consent of the person might impede the execution of the operations concerned
    5. Cases in which the handling of personal information is entrusted in whole or in part within the necessary scope for achieving the purpose of use
    6. Cases in which personal information is provided as a result of the takeover of business in a merger or other types of succession
  3. When required to do so for business activities in which Hitachi Astemo is co-operating with the group companies, Hitachi Astemo may provide such group companies with personal information such as a name, workplace or home addresses, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, etc. If this is the case, the personal information will be provided via print or electronic media. In addition, the person may request our Company to stop the provision of the personal information to the group companies.

6. Handling of Specific Personal Information

  1. Our Company when handling specific personal information will comply with the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure (henceforth, "Act on the Use of Numbers"), Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and Guidelines for proper handling of Specific Personal Information (for private entities).
  2. Our Company considers our "personal information protection policy" as the "basic policy for the proper handling of specific personal information," and will ensure the proper handling of specific personal information.
  3. Our Company considers the performance of administrative procedures relating to social security, taxes, and countermeasures against disasters stipulated in each paragraph in Article 9 of the Act on the Use of Numbers to be the scope of use of specific personal information, and will obtain and use specific personal information to the extent necessary to achieve a purpose.
    The main scope of use of specific personal information handled by our Company is as follows:
    1. Clerical work in which upon receipt of specific personal information provided by, for example, Hitachi Astemo employees, our Company states such information in necessary documents—such as certificates of tax deducted for employment income and retirement income, payroll payment reports, unemployment insurance notifications, notifications of qualified persons covered by health insurance and corporate employees' pension insurance, and legal written records—and submits the aforementioned documents to the director of a taxation office, the mayor of a municipality, Japan Pension Service, or other organizations.
    2. Clerical work in which upon receipt of specific personal information, our Company states such information in various reports of payment, such as reports of payment of remuneration and fees; reports of payment of dividends, distribution of surplus, and interest on funds; reports of payment of rental charges, such as for real estate; and reports of payment in consideration of the transfer of, for example, real estate; and submits the aforementioned reports to the director of a taxation office.
    3. Performance of operations that involve clerical work entrusted to our Company by an administrative organization or other private entity for the handling of specific personal information.
  4. Our Company will not provide specific personal information of a person to any third party, apart from cases stipulated by laws and regulations concerning specific personal information. Our Company will not jointly use such information. However, for any case that falls under any of the items stipulated in Article 19 (Restrictions on the Provision of Specific Personal Information) of the Act on the Use of Numbers, specific personal information may be provided.
  5. Our Company may entrust handling of specific personal information within the scope of purpose of use stipulated by laws and regulations.
  6. Request for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, suspension of provision to third parties, or notification of purpose of use, or any complaint concerning specific personal information held by our Company will be made in accordance with our "6. Request for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information or Submission of Complaints."

7. Implementation of Safety Management Measures

In order to operate as an organization to ensure proper handling of personal information, top executives have formulated the Personal Information Protection Policy and developed internal rules such as Regulations and Guidelines for Personal Information Management, in accordance with the basic policies stipulated in the Personal Information Protection Policy. Moreover, Hitachi Astemo has established a system to confirm and evaluate whether its rules conform to JIS Q 15001, which is a governing regulation of PrivacyMark. Besides developing such regulations, Hitachi Astemo is taking concrete safety management measures from four specific aspects (systematic, personal, physical, and technical) in handling personal information.

8. Personal Information Protection Legal Systems in Foreign Countries

Hitachi Astemo may transfer your personal information to a third party in a foreign country in order to have smooth handling of such information. Please refer to the Personal Information Protection Committee's website* for legislation regarding the protection of personal information.

Official lists from Personal Information Protection Commission regarding the laws and regulations in regards of the protection of the personal information in foreign countries are available on their webpage, accessible by the link below:

9. About Usage of Cookies and Web beacons

For convenience of use, Hitachi Astemo uses cookies*1 and web beacons (clear GIF)*2 in parts of the website.
A person can refuse to receive a cookie, or can change the web browser settings to have a warning message displayed when receiving a cookie. For more details, please refer to the instructions of the web browser you are using. Moreover, a person can reject a web beacon by refusing the receipt of a cookie.
However, please note that a person may not be able to use part or all of our services provided in the website when rejecting a cookie.


Information exchanged between a web server that controls a web site and a web browser that a person uses. Cookies may be saved as files in the hard disk of a person's PC. If you use a cookie, the web server can track and record information about which pages in the web site the particular computer visits etc. However, we cannot identify the person unless he or she enters personal information on the web site.
Web beacons:
Technology that functions with a cookie to check how many times a person accesses a particular page. However, we cannot identify the person, unless he or she enters personal information when receiving cookies.

10. Request to Disclose Personal Information or Raising Complaints

When a person wants to request to disclose, correct, add, delete, stop usage, stop provision to a third party, or notify the purpose of usage of his/her personal information (henceforth, "disclose and so on") held by Hitachi Astemo, or wants to raise complaints, the person is requested to follow the following procedures:

  1. Request to disclose personal information that a person submitted to a Hitachi Astemo's sales department: Please contact the relevant sales department.
  2. Request to disclose personal information that a person submitted through our web site: Please contact the department that manages the relevant web site.
  3. Request to disclose personal information in instances aside from the 1. or 2. above: For the details of the request to disclose personal information, please see the following website. Details of the request to disclose personal information and so on.

11. Request to person

  1. While most of Hitachi Astemo's services can be used without disclosing personal information, please note that some services are only available with the submission of the personal information.
  2. Please note that Hitachi Astemo is not responsible for the security of personal information of any non-Hitachi Astemo web site whose link is included in the Hitachi Astemo's web site.
  3. If a person enters the personal information into the Hitachi Astemo's website, he or she is required to agree upon the provisions in the "About Personal Information Protection" page, otherwise the person will not be able to use our services (including response to inquiries). Also, if you are aged at 14 or younger, please enter the personal information with the consent of a parent or guardian.

12. Special Note

  1. Our personal information protection policy shall be in accordance with the laws of Japan.
  2. Hitachi Astemo may revise the "About Personal Information Protection" page to improve the handling of personal information and/or due to the revision of laws or ordinances, or other rules or regulations.
  3. The implementation of this "About Personal Information Protection" page shall be after the issued date (or revised date).
  4. If each Hitachi Astemo website has its own personal information policy, this policy shall supersede the provisions of any other policies in the Hitachi Astemo websites.

13. Inquiries about This Website

For inquiries about this page (About Personal Information Protection), please fill out the inquiry form in the linked page below.